Statements about NIAC 3 21 07


Open Letter to NASA, USA President and Congress, press and all Scientists.


The Scientific Committee of Auditing Science, a member of the organization Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) welcome the recent NASA decision to stop funding the criminal activity of NIAC (NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts). NIACs Director, Robert Cassanova, spent (wasted and, probably, stole) the American taxpayers money by funding the pseudo-scientific works of his friends and associates. We estimate NIAC wasted about $50 millions. The World press, our organization and hundreds of famous scientists wrote to the NASA, the USA President and the Congress, as well as a public prosecutor about the criminal activity Mr. Cassanova. (see details in and,

Now, the NASA must take the next step: on behalf of Americas taxpayers to demand from NIAC, Mr. Robert Cassanova, USRA (NIAC belongs to USRA), from former USRA President Mr. Back the return of the stolen, lost, wasted tax monies. NASA must terminate the NASA employees who covered Mr. Robert Cassanovas criminal activity. The Universities must dismiss Cassanova's friends, who received Cassanova's awards for pseudo-scientific "researches", who discredited the NASA and Universities by pseudo-scientific researches and caused the American taxpayer financial grief unnecessarily.

The Scientific Committee of Auditing Science supports all USA Government funding of real scientific researches and awarding the perspective scientific works. But it must do so via an independent Scientific Committee formed of well-known scientists, in open competition of MADE scientific works. Mr. Robert Cassanova considered only proposals offered by his friends, hiding the proposals and works of renowned competitors to benefit his friends and himself with undeserved prestige and money underwriting of useless pseudo-scientific work. Thereby, he rewarded merely the promises of his friends and associates to make ingenious discoveries.


Science Committee of Auditing "Science".

March, 2007


Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is the nation's largest taxpayer watchdog group with over one million members and supporters nationwide.  It is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement ingovernment. CAGW has helped save taxpayers $825 billion!


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