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Pseudo-Nobel Prize-2005---Investigation activity of NIAC--- World Press about NIAC
Pseudo-Nobel Prize 2005
(see details in Investibation section above)
Scientific Committee of Auditing "Science" examined the pseudo-scientific works paid Government (taxpayers) and presented to Auditing "Science" for awarding by Pseudo-Nobel Prize.
The first prize is given to virtual NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) and its director Mr R. Cassanova for grand larceny (aggravated theft) many millions of taxpayer dollars by pseudo-scientific works.
In particular, it is considered the following pseudo-scientific works awarded by Mr. Cassanova by one million of dollars (2/3 to friend, 1/3 to Mr. Cassanova):

1. Mr. Bradley Edwards, Space Elevator.
His final "scientific report" does not contain equations, computations, scientific results, ideas, no anything for sciences. You find 42 pages an idle talk, explanation what is space elevator for first step schoolboys, and pictures for children. Every page of the idle talk is paid by more $20,000 !!!
Total payment is one million dollars (2/3 to friend, 1/3 to Mr. Cassanova).

2. Ms. Dave Newman, Space Bio-Suite.
No model of suit. Report contains only idle talk and wrong concept (66 pages)
Mr. Cassanova awarded Ms. Newman two times. Why Mr. Cassanova awarded Ms. Newman? It is easy understood: Ms. Newman was in the NIAC Advisory Council and many years she covers the illegal activity of Mr. Cassanova. That way Mr. Casanova violates Ethic Rules and presents the millions of dollars of taxpayers to useful person.
For every page of this empty "research" Mr. Cassanova waste 15 thousands of taxpayer money!!

3. E. Hodgson, A Space Chameleon Suite.
Cassanova lavishes him as one million dollars (taxpayer money) for absolutely useless empty "research". Mr. Hodgson did not present even the production model of his chameleon suite.

4. R. Hoffman, Controlling the Global Weather
If you think after getting one million dollars Mr. Cassanova-Hoffman will control weather, you make a big mistake. This "research" does not contain any practical results. It has only empty speculations. Mr. Cassanova awarded this "research" two times by total one millions dollars!!

5. G. Maise, Exploration of Jovian Atmosphere Using Nuclear Flyer.
The NASA a lot of years can not produce industrial hypersonic engine for Earth atmosphere which contains oxygen. NASA does not produce nuclear engine for Earth, for Space ship. But Mr. Cassanova easily produced (fiction) engine for atmosphere, which is unknown.
Don't think that protege of Mr. Cassanova presented the produced model. He presented only some pages of common speculations. Award (expenses) is 1 millions dollars.
We show only small part (5 millions) of Government (taxpayers) dollars are spent by Mr. Cassanova for his friends.

That is only small part of Cassanova's fraud.

As opposed works were considered the more 30 works presented to NIAC, but Mr. Cassanova did not want to consider them because the applicants are non members the Cassanova's gang. Most of these works were published in book "Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight", Elsevier, London, 2006.
The World press (see, for example, ) wrote about machinations of Mr. Cassanova. Unfortunately, President of USRA Mr. David Black (who receives salary from money stolen by Cassanova's), NASA director M. Griffin (who spend taxpayer money for funding non-NASA organization NIAC) does not wand to investigate and to stop the criminal activity of Mr. Cassanova. They do not want to create an Independent Science Committee for awarding of made real useful scientific works, make a fair competition, to prohibit an awarding a promise to made a notable research. They prefer funding, to waste the millions of government (taxpayer) money for rogue Cassanova and his friends.

Scientific Committee of Accounting "Science".

Pseudo-Nobel Prize-2005---Investigation activity of NIAC--- World Press about NIAC
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